In Reply To "New Rules For Adult Companions & Escort Service Providers"

Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 05:22 PM | 3 views

1) First of all, what's with this shaving trend? An unshaven vagina looks like a piece of raw meat - really a turn off. We want to do it with a woman - not a friggin 10 year old. I don't know how this insanity got started, but real men like to be with a real woman. That means hair on your head AND crotch. Get a clue. YIKES!!!! Are you kidding me...?!?!?!?! First of all, just about EVERY woman does this for multiple reasons the first reason because its much more hygenically easier to keep things clean down there as well as just because when they go to the beach, there isn't a mighty sea monster sneaking out to scare every one! ... It also makes it easier to "clean up" after she's been defiled by someone who would actually post something like this .... and I cannot even THINK of another guy who would actually love, or even LIKE a little bit of hair down below albiet anything more than a landing strip or something cute like a heart ... And you should consider yourself FORTUNATE, NOT LUCKY to even be having this issue in the first place!!! ... its just scary to think about! ... and WHERE have you been... ?!?! This "trend" has been going on for easily OVER 20 years now .. 2) Try to, at least, pretend you like the person who's paying you. Nobody - nobody - wants to spend their precious time with a nasty, rude, arrogant and abusive bitch, no matter HOW physically attractive and sexy she may look. Think about it. You don't even like being with somebody for 5 minutes who behaves like an obnoxious child - even if they pay you. Why would somebody who's already being exploited and getting their ego trampled by having to pay for sex want to give you their hard earned money for more humiliation? Oh you, and lines like that one make it hard for them to "TRY" to like the person who is paying them..... this is why there are places like TER and other escort review services, so you can know WHO you are dealing with even BEFORE you make the call ... if you are running into "nasty, rude, arrogant and abusive bitch's", That is YOUR fault and YOUR fault alone! And when you make the phone call to the girl you are calling, tell her your name, find out her name, get to know her for the couple minutes you have on the phone, a LOT can be learned if you just TALK to her and not be all business on the phone. If you ARE all business on the phone, don't expect ANYTHING but business on the other end. MOST of the time you will find a girl who has been around for awhile WILL be around for awhile and those who are "new to the area" have left a place where they wore out their welcome. And Good God, You're paying for sex, what do you want her to do, sit by the phone all day and night waiting for you and just you to call?!?! You're PAYING for "IT", She isn't "giving it" to you because she finds you attractive, kind, succesful, intelegent and that you two just "clicked" when you met. Be nice. Personality and repeat business is everything. 3) Don't use pictures of yourself in the ad that are over 10 years old or pictures of somebody else. If you're over the hill, face reality and get a real job. Would you like to go into a restaurant, order a T-Bone steak, have the waiter bring you a hotdog and expect to be paid? Why would you think you can get away with this - because you're a woman? Sorry, but it may be time to actually work for a living like most everybody else in the real world. That's right. Life isn't fair. Read above again, the ones who have been around for awhile will be around for awhile and update their pics, not because they have to or want to, but as they want to so they can let you know if they have changed appearance, what THEY are looking for and what THEY are interested in. They may be in a crappy business but they, just like you, want SOME enjoyment out of what they are doing and someone who tells them "life isn't fair" is EXACTLY the person they DON'T want to or EVER need to EVER see. Don't tell them life isn't fair, THEY ALREADY KNOW! 4) Don't use terms and phrases like "I book up fast". This may come as a shock to you, but what most men are really looking for is just a little personal intimacy and human warmth, if only for a short time. They don't want to know that the woman they're being physically intimate with is treating her body like Grand Central Station at rush hour... even if it's true. ONCE AGAIN, TER and other review services will let you know if your "hard earned money" is going to be well spent and your shallow phrase "treating her body like Grand Central Station at rush hour... even if it's true" is just another KEY INDICATOR that you are JUST the person they are SO desperately trying to avoid. That statement makes them realize that YOU are going to treat her like Grand Central Station and give her ZERO respect from the time you call to the time you finally leave.... and if you don't like what she has to say in her ad, DON'T CALL HER!!!!!!! Why is that SO hard to understand?!?!?! Also - and this is important - There's a lot more to attracting a REAL man than just shoving your boobs and your ass in a camera lens. That might arouse a teenager or the kind of creep you probably don't want to be anywhere near in the first place. But, any guy with even a molecule of class and at least a couple of brain cells to rub together isn't impressed with that. He's looking for someone to share some quality time that may include some physical fun and intimacy. He wants to see how you dress, carry yourself and communicate. He doesn't care how big your hooters are. A smile and the sense to take some initiative to break the ice goes light years further than a pair of breast implants And ONCE Again, - and this is important - TER and other review services, or even her own personal website will give you all the info you need. If you don't like big boobs in your face, move onto the next ad! And just like you, there are guys, albiet NOT MANY, those who like hair down below, there are just as many guys, if not more, who like to see EXACTLY what they are getting "for their hard earned money" 5) Try to understand why some guys aren't real excited about their telephone numbers coming up on your caller ID list. It doesn't take a bloody genius to figure this out. Sure, you're in a potentially dangerous business and are entitled to be safe. But, on the other hand, so is your client. Why is your safety and reputation any more important than his? Try to respect your client's right to privacy and security by coming up with an alternative to having his identity potentially broadcast on television. They may say this is the "Land of The Free". But, let's face it. Any country where people have to be paranoid and risk their reputations for having sex in exchange for money ain't free by any stretch of the imagination. Not even close. So, let's find a way to make everybody comfortable and stick it to Big Brother too. It's not only the right thing to do, but your patriotic duty. THIS may come as a shocker, and I hope you are sitting down for this one but they have these things called "Pay As You Go" cell phones! If you have NO ISSUE paying $250 for an hour of some ladies time, you should have NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER in popping into Radio Shack or Wallymart and picking one up, with no contract to sign whatsoever, so your REGULAR number doesn't appear on anyones "client" list and if THIS is too much for you, heres an idea that is probably going to make your head explode ... Ready..?!?! DONT CALL ESCORTS..!!! On any given night, especially Friday and Saturday nights, there are PLENTY of beautiful, intelegent, articulate women who are, as you said it earlier, "really looking for just a little personal intimacy and human warmth".. the problem is that you will have to go thru that whole "getting to know her" thing for more than a 5 minute phone call or reading a 5 line ad on this site ALL THE WHILE wondering to yourself "does she have hair down below or will I be SO insanely disapointed when she takes off her clothes and find that she has shaved down below" ... while at the same time, listening to her DRONE ON about what she is looking to get out of life. In conclusion: Don't get me wrong. I think women who provide these services are literally saints. Given the headaches and risks they have to endure, courtesy of goose stepping, fascist sex Nazis who never saw a human right to privacy they didn't hate, it's a miracle that anybody is out there to provide this much needed service. From police to politicians who persecute these women to justify their own miserable and inept existence, these women are used as an excuse by right-wing scum for not being willing and/or able to deal with the problems of society in a rational and adult fashion. So they lock up drug users and sex workers as a ploy to con us into thinking they can do their job. And thus, as usual, the problems and consequences just keep getting worse There's no doubt that Female Escorts do far more to keep crazies and potential maniacs from going over the edge than any cop or politician could ever pretend. And in conclusion, you write THIS after your rant above...?!?!?! TALK about being the "King Of Contradiction" .... Think about the last time you had to spend ANY time in a jail cell, STRIPPED of EVERY human right you were EVER born with. If you've never spent ANY time in a jail cell, go sit in your closet with 2 or 3 or 5 people you pick up off the street and DON'T know and stay there for a 12 to 24 hour stretch. TRUST me, you will re-think, and probably delete your insipid post. YOU are the reason they have so many, as you see it, "rediculous" rules. • Location: Tampa • Post ID: 4095113 adult asian massage near me,naked massage near me,eros escort orlando,tampa tranny escorts,memphis transexual escorts,erotic reviews tampa,trans escorts baltimore,listcrawler fort lauderdale florida,prov escorts ts,ts escort in houston
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