Mon 27 Jan
I feel it all over my body... ((( -SMOKING HOT-))) -----> Amazing SPECIALS ALL DAY - 20
(Incall ONLY ** Moline, IL)
Hot and wild, waiting for u. Lets have some fun!!!!!!! ( TRUCKER FRIENDLY ) - 29
(Quad Cities, Davenport)
❤ _ _ new BLONDE Cutie _ _ ❤ _ _ $100 Specials_ _ ❤ - 21
—•º•★ ———— • HAPPY • ——————— ★ Limited Time Special ★ —————— • THANKSGIVING • ———————— ★•º• - 32
(Quad Cities, (QC) --- Verified & Reviewed ---)
Discreet Treat ! Mature Busty Blonde 34DD !100% Real Pics ! - 35
(Davenport surrounding area, Quad Cities)
~*Coming Soon! *DeliciousDawn ! Highly Reviewed &Recommend;~*Verified Real~*Blonde Playmate~ *~ - 29
(QC, Quad Cities)
🔲HOTT BLONDE Beauty🔲🔲READY💟 ALL DAy & NIghT💕💯%💕 💥❤️_💯_🌞 💘 : HEY GUYS - 24
(Davenport in/ out, Quad Cities)
Beautiful * Thick * Southern * Baby *60* Rose * Special * - 20
(Quad Cities, quad,city outcalls/incalls)
👅👅HOT blonde 👅👅 READY Open to suggestion 👅(NO TEXT) trucker friendly - 36
(Quad Cities, 💋💋Quad cities in/out💋💋)
BLONDE SWEETHEART ____ ( ( ( ( (🏇SEXY*BADDD**🏇COWGIRL ) ) ) ) ) ******** specials - - 24
(Davenport, Quad Cities)
*Be AuTiFuL >* ErOtic HOT BuStY PLaYm aTe SPeCiAlS - 25
COMPLETELY SEXY.... curvy Yellie wants to play..complete satisfaction!!! - 24
(quad cities and surrounding areas)
Blondes Have More fun Just Come And See For Yourself I promise you want be Disappointed - 19
(Quad Cities)
Sun 12 Jan
BLONDE TASTY TREAT this azz is a must SEE, MEET an GREET! ! !! ! ! ! - 30
(quad cities and surrounding area)
----- ♥ Amazing Specials! ♥ One Seductive Blonde! ♥ ----- NeW NeW NeW! - 21
(Quad Cities, Incall only - Upscale & Discreet)
Sat 11 Jan
lez is BACK!!!! TREAT yourself 100 SPECIALS 150hr ! ! !! ! ! ! - 31
(quad cities and surrounding area)
••••► Well Reviewed & Verified to Satisfy ••••► N@UGHTY TIMES THIS WAY ••••► ((specials)) - 30
(Quad Cities, QC)
🌟🌟 Which of these Dangerous CURVES Would You Like To TOUCH? 💕💕 - 27
(Davenport,Battendorf,Rock Island,Moline, Quad Cities)
XoXo XoXo * One In A Milion Sweet Sexy Seductive Blonde *XoXo XoXo - 22
(Des Moines, Incall west Desmoinesout call's all over)
👅👅HOT blonde 👅👅 READY Open to suggestion 👅(NO TEXT) trucker friendly - 36
(Quad Cities, 💋💋Quad cities in/out💋💋)
BLONDE SWEETHEART ____ ( ( ( ( (🏇SEXY*BADDD**🏇COWGIRL ) ) ) ) ) ******** specials - - 24
(Davenport, Quad Cities)
*Be AuTiFuL >* ErOtic HOT BuStY PLaYm aTe SPeCiAlS - 25
309-230-4572Excite and Delight done just Right. Come have some fun with Me tonight 309-230-4572 - 27
(Quad Cities, Quad Cities, Illinois & Iowa)
Avail 7p to 3a TODAY! COBI!!! Gentlemen...nothing compares- Come see for yourself. - 30
(Quad Cities, Geneseo area INCALL only!)
* SPECIALS * SENSUAL SEDUCTION * hot body * hot blonde * A MUST SEE * - 30
(quad cities and surrounding area)
Fri 10 Jan
50%0FF 50%0FF 50%0FF RaTED ☆☆☆☆ 's- - - - -HALF 0FF 0VERNiGHTS- - - 2 SEXY WOMEN FOR THE PRICE OF 1
(Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Iowa City, Mason City, Quad Cities, Sioux City, Southeast Iowa, Waterloo, ALL OVER)
VERIFIED 2 SATISFY ★★★★★ E✘✘✘TRA N@UGHTY Busty Playmate for FANTASTIC fun ★★★★★ 40+ GREAT REVIEWS - 32
(Quad Cities, IN/OUT~ SPECIALS)
★ ——— █ BEAUTIFUL, SUPER SEXY BLoNDE Barbie ! █ ——— ★ Busty DD's - 21
(Quad Cities, Davenport UPSCALE INCALL)
The Return Of The Tall Classy Blonde – Mon & Tues - 15th & 16th - 47
(Quad Cities, Davenport Incall)
★ ——— BIG B( . )( . )BS ! ——— ★ BLonDe BarBiE ——— ★NEW PICS!! new pics ! ——— ★ - 21
(Quad Cities, Davenport UPSCALE IN/OUT *I'M BACK*)
❥▬▬▬▬▬☆☆ ELiTE COMPANiON ☆ ☆▬▬▬▬▬ ▪•■ Busty Blonde ■•▪ ▬▬▬▬▬☆ ☆ HIGHLY REVIEWED ☆ ☆▬▬▬▬▬ ❥ - 33
(-- In & Out Available --, Quad Cities)
🚀🎉2!! Blondes do it better! Cuuum find out !👅💦 %100 REAL 💯👍 %100 Independant! - 22 - 22
(Quad Cities, INCALL/ OUTCALL)
CoBi- BLONDE LOVERS #1 Choice!!! MOLINE Avail NOW! until 10p! ***HIGHLY REVIEWED*** - 30
(Quad Cities, MOLINE INCALL only!)
Coming Soon! ~Highly Reviewed& Recommended Naughty DeliciousDawn~ Blonde Bombshell~❤️ - 29
(Qc, Quad Cities)
CoBi- BLONDE LOVERS #1 Choice!!! MOLINE Today 3p to 8p***HIGHLY REVIEWED***
(Quad Cities, MOLINE INCALL only!)
$100 * SPECIAL OFFERS * HOLY SHIT BATMAN check out these pics u WILL have FUN i am a MUST see! ! ! ! - 30
PLEASURE PALACE awaits ur arrival, have FIELDS of fun here! ! ! ! ! *INDEPENDENT* - 30
Thu 09 Jan
✅✅ VERIFIED TO SATISFY ✅✅:: (( busty )) :: §єXy :: (( blonde ))::✅✅ SMOK'N HOT REVIEWS ✅✅ - 32
(Quad Cities, QC in/out- Reach Out & Touch ME Anytime)
BeSt iN ToWn 🎁ExOtIc BlOnde BaRbIe 🎂WeLL ReViEwEd 💝 SwEEt BaiLeY 🌹150hr - 22
(Quad Cities, incall & outcall)